Objectives of the Women Cell   

  • To create awareness about social issues and rights related to women, gender discrimination, gender equity and gender equality.
  • To ensure the safety and well being of women and create a conducive environment for their personal and professional growth.
  • To foster decision making and critical thinking ability in students.
  • To help them in knowing the importance of good health, hygiene practice and facilities available for them.

Functioning of the Women Cell

  • Organizing talks and training programs to empower women in terms of necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to become self-dependent and self-sufficient.
  • Conducting special lectures and interactive sessions by women achievers to enhance self esteem and self confidence among students.
  • Celebrating international women’s day to uphold women’s achievements, recognize challenges and focus greater attention on women’s rights.
  • Organizing health awareness programs and socially relevant programs.

Members of the Women Cell 

Coordinator :
Mrs. Rahila M.K , Associate Professor

Deputy Coordinator:
Prof. Geethalakshmi I P, Vice-Principal

Ms. Preethi, Lecturer
Ms. Nidhi P.M, Lecturer
Ms. Aswitha A.R, Lecturer

Student Representative:
Ms. Panchami B. Suvarna, II Year B.Sc. A&OTT

➡️  Circulars

➡️ Extract of Annual Report

➡️ Minutes of Meeting

➡️ Policy Document

➡️ Reports